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Executive functioning skills for behavioral excellence: all neurotypes aged 1-19

Enhanced Self-Regulation & Social Skills

Increased Attention & Focus

Optimized Time, Organization & Planning Skills

Expanded Self-Awareness

Lay the

Foundation for

Emotional Regulation

and Transform Your

Child's Behavior


Join the 114,910 caregivers like you

who’ve become victorious

in their parenting.

How could enhancing your child's executive functions impact their behavior?

If you're unsure, you're not alone.

Most caregivers don't fully understand what executive functioning is, how it influences behavioral development, or how to nurture it.

This gap exists because there is a disconnect between scientific knowledge and public awareness.

Let's bridge this gap together—starting right now!

The Warning Signs of

Executive Functioning


Impulse control issues

They have difficulty waiting their turn, controlling their emotions, or resisting the urge to interrupt others.

Out of control behavior

They have difficulty assessing their own performance, recognizing when they make mistakes, and managing their emotions.

Inability to focus attention

They have difficulty sustaining attention. They struggle to shift attention from one task to the next and regulating alertness throughout the day.

Difficulty following instructions

They struggle to remember or follow multi-step directions, often requiring repetition or reminders.

Rigid and stubborn

They have a tendency to be inflexible, stubborn, and reluctant to adapt to the thoughts and ideas of others. Rigidity is also known as cognitive inflexibility. These children struggle to compromise, they want it their way.


They struggle to keep track of their belongings, manage their schoolwork, or maintain a clean and orderly space.

Trouble with self-awareness

They struggle to recognize their thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and tendencies. Unable to perceive their personal strengths and weaknesses, identify emotions, or predict the consequences of actions.

Persistent procrastination

They have trouble estimating how long tasks will take, prioritizing tasks, or completing assignments on time. This leads to overwhelm and procrastination.

How Executive

Functioning Impacts

Your Child

Executive Functioning Skills Lay the Foundation for Emotional Regulation

Executive functions are essential for managing daily tasks.

They govern:

  •   Impulse control
  •   Emotional regulation
  •   Planning
  •   Focusing attention
  •   Following instructions
  •   Learning
  •   Managing multiple tasks effectively

Whether you realize it or not, you use executive functions every day.

Do you remember the last time you were angry and felt like lashing out, but didn't?

Your executive skills helped by laying a foundation for emotional regulation.

When one person struggles with their executive functioning skills, it impacts the entire family.

I'm sure you've felt that impact already.

So, it wouldn't surprise you to know that children don't just grow out of these struggles.

They need your help developing these skills.

They are not Innate,

They Must Be Taught

Studies spanning over the last 30 years have shown that children are not born with executive functioning (EF) skills - they are born with the potential to develop them.

Did you, or your child experience distress during the pandemic?

Environmental stress and neuropsychological challenges can significantly hinder the development of executive functioning skills.

It's no wonder we're seeing behavioral and mental health issues on the rise.

Developing strong executive functioning skills in children is essential as it influences their quality of life both now and as they grow into adults.

Executive Functioning Development Continues into Early Adulthood

Did you grow up with the kind of social stress your child faces in the world now?

I sure didn't.

The world your child is growing up in, is not the same world you grew up in, so adapting to help them is crucial.  

Executive functioning skills are critical for setting the foundation for emotional regulation into adulthood - especially as they start to decline around age 30-39.

This is why it's important to help them as soon as possible, so they have a strong foundation for learning, problem-solving, and managing emotions as they grow.

Image courtesy of Harvard University

What Happens if

You Don't Nurture

These Crucial



Academic Struggles: Children will face difficulties in school, such as poor organization, time management, and task completion, leading to lower academic performance.

Impaired Social Skills: Lack of executive function skills will hinder a child's ability to regulate emotions, understand social cues, and maintain healthy relationships with peers and adults.

Behavioral Challenges: Children will exhibit impulsive behavior, difficulty following rules, and trouble controlling their impulses, leading to disciplinary issues and conflicts.

Reduced Independence: Without strong executive function skills, children will struggle to make decisions, solve problems independently, and take responsibility for their actions, impeding their transition to adulthood.

Increased Stress and Anxiety: Poor executive function skills can contribute to heightened stress and anxiety in children, due to feeling overwhelmed by tasks, deadlines, and social interactions.

Risk of Substance Abuse: Adolescents with weak executive function skills are more susceptible to engaging in risky behaviors, including substance abuse, due to impaired decision-making and impulse control.

This can lead to trouble with authorities and an impaired future trajectory, jeopardizing their potential for success and fulfillment.

Take a look at what a prison worker recently wrote on one of my posts. 👇

The research agrees with her experience - undeveloped executive functioning skills can lead to extreme consequences.

You can't pick and choose what will happen to your child, or what path they will choose as they grow, but you can help them to have a head start by giving them the tools they need to be productive and successful. 

Long-Term Implications: Difficulties in executive function skills during childhood can have dire long-term consequences, affecting educational attainment, employment opportunities, and overall quality of life in adulthood.

Have you ever met someone who couldn't seem to control their emotions? 

Do you notice how it seems to get worse as they get older? I bet emotional regulation is not the only difficulty they have in their lives. 

The reason for this is that executive functioning abilities naturally decline with age.

We need to do better for our children and steer them toward healthier choices, and a more promising future, free from the grip of negative influences and destructive behaviors.

The good news? With the right support and knowledge, you'll get from the tools in this program these positive changes are within your reach.

How Strengthening
Executive Functions

Benefit Your Child

Strengthening executive functioning skills are essential for all children, particularly those with ADHD, ASD, PDA, FADS, and other neurodevelopmental challenges. (Barkley, 1997; Willcutt et al., 2005).

Did you know that there have been 30+ years of significant scientific breakthroughs about the benefits of strengthening executive functioning skills, yet, most of the public has never heard of it.

Why do you think that is?

Research shows that children are not born with executive functioning skills - they are only born with the potential to develop them. (Barkley, 1997).

Children with neurodevelopmental conditions face more significant challenges with executive functioning and require additional support. (Willcutt et al., 2005).

These skills include impulse control, working memory, planning, and cognitive flexibility—areas where children with developmental challenges often struggle. (Sonuga-Barke et al., 2013; Diamond, 2013).

This is just a tiny sliver of the research out there demonstrating the immediate need for intervention programs like BrainFit. 

BrainFit is designed to meet these needs through targeted interventions that improve daily functioning and enhance learning outcomes and social interactions.

The goal is not to change who your child is, but to empower them with skills that enhance their ability to navigate daily challenges.

You will learn to leverage their unique strengths in a way that complements their neurodiversity and supports their personal and academic growth.

BrainFit offers a range of fun, indoor, and outdoor exercises to strengthen all 12 executive functions. This ensures that every child will get the help they need to excel.

What would your child's life look like with better executive functioning skills?

  • Improved impulse control - helps them manage impulsive behaviors and make better decisions. (Barkley, 1997).

  • Enhanced working memory - enables better information retention and retrieval, supporting academic performance. (Barkley, 1997; Willcutt et al., 2005).

  • Developed planning and organization skills - assists in managing tasks and responsibilities, reducing feelings of overwhelm. (Barkley, 1997).

  • Strengthened cognitive flexibility - allows children to adapt to changing situations and switch between tasks more efficiently. (Willcutt et al., 2005).

Through evidence-based, child-centric strategies, BrainFit respects individual differences and promotes substantial developmental gains without forcing them into a box.

This isn't about coddling our kids—it's about meeting their needs so they can thrive in the increasingly volatile world we live in.

I bet that's something you needed as a child too.

I know I did—Let me share my journey with you.

I Understand How

Challenging Parenting is,

I've Been There Myself

Arabella Hille

Founder & CEO Victorious Parenting

BSocSc (Behavioural Studies) Swinburne.

As a parent, I know firsthand the challenges and joys that come with raising children.

Like you, I've navigated the complex journey of parenting, constantly seeking the best ways to support my child's growth.

Hello, I'm Arabella Hille, an experienced Parenting Educator qualified in Behavioral Science, a mother, former teacher, and the founder of Victorious Parenting.

I've helped over 114,910 caregivers strengthen executive functioning skills, reduce defiance, build self-esteem, and restore peace to their homes.

I understand the challenges caregivers face with children who display disruptive behavior and emotional volatility. 

Every problem I've solved in this program is one I've personally experienced and overcome either with my son or in my classroom—and I can help you too.

How different would your home feel with less conflict and more peace?

Extensive research shows that strengthening executive functioning skills can dramatically improve children's behavior, emotional regulation, and social interactions. (Barkley, 1997; Willcutt et al., 2005).

Can you envision your child thriving in these areas?

This is your moment. It's time to experience a deep level of healing in your home.

This is why I created BrainFit, to give you the knowledge and tools to strengthen these crucial skills in your child.

Let’s take a look at how families like yours have found joy and transformation through my program.

Common Misconceptions

I thought that executive functioning skills don't develop until later on when the pre frontal cortex matures at age 25?

This is one of the biggest misconceptions of them all!

This question is commonly asked by teachers, which make sense as to why this is not being taught in schools - it should be!

Executive function skills begin developing in early childhood, around age 1 well before the prefrontal cortex fully matures at age 25.

Executive functioning skills, include managing time, controlling impulses and planning ahead.

Children are not born with these skills, they must be nurtured.

Children typically do not figure out these complex skills on their own. They thrive under parental leadership, guidance, and involvement.

While the prefrontal cortex continues to develop into adulthood, children can still learn and practice these skills with parental guidance.

You should not wait until your child is 25 before teaching them social skills, planning, organizing, emotional regulation and more.

It will cripple their lives to not have these skills nurtured in childhood and they will experience negative outcomes like;

Academic Struggles: Children will face difficulties in school, such as poor organization, time management, and task completion, leading to lower academic performance.

Impaired Social Skills: Lack of executive function skills will hinder a child's ability to regulate emotions, understand social cues, and maintain healthy relationships with peers and adults.

Behavioral Challenges: Children will exhibit impulsive behavior, difficulty following rules, and trouble controlling their impulses, leading to disciplinary issues and conflicts.

Reduced Independence: Without strong executive function skills, children will struggle to make decisions, solve problems independently, and take responsibility for their actions, impeding their transition to adulthood.

Increased Stress and Anxiety: Poor executive function skills can contribute to heightened stress and anxiety in children, due to feeling overwhelmed by tasks, deadlines, and social interactions.

Risk of Substance Abuse: Adolescents with weak executive function skills are more susceptible to engaging in risky behaviors, including substance abuse, due to impaired decision-making and impulse control.

Long-Term Implications: Difficulties in executive function skills during childhood can have dire long-term consequences, affecting educational attainment, employment opportunities, and overall quality of life in adulthood.

Does this try to make neurodivergent kids neurotypical?

My goal is not to change who your child is, but to provide you with the tools to empower them with skills that enhance their ability to navigate daily challenges and harness their unique strengths.

You will be equipped with strategies that work with their neurodiversity, not against it, supporting their personal and academic growth on their terms.

You will be better equipped to help your child to feel more competent and confident in their abilities, reducing feelings of being 'othered' or marginalized.

This program is not ABA-based.

Is this a one-size-fits-all approach, and how can it work effectively for all ages?

No, this is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

BrainFit is designed to be flexible and accommodating to each child’s unique needs.

The modules are self-paced, allowing you to progress at a comfortable speed.

Each activity takes no more than 20 minutes a day initially, with the time commitment decreasing as skills improve.

Moreover, the activities are thoughtfully grouped into age brackets to ensure they are developmentally appropriate.

I also offer a variety of activities within each bracket, giving you the freedom to choose the ones that best suit your child's interests and current needs.

This tailored approach ensures that the program effectively supports personal and academic growth by leveraging each child’s unique strengths and preferences.

Why can't we let them figure it out on their own?

Our world is not the same world you or I grew up in, we didn't know a lot about executive functioning and how it impacts child development 40 years ago - but we do now!

Executive functioning skills, which include managing time, controlling impulses, and planning ahead, are not innate.

They must be actively taught and nurtured. Without this support, it can leave gaps in a child’s ability to handle everyday challenges.

Children typically do not 'figure out' these complex skills on their own. They thrive under parental leadership, guidance, and involvement.

By providing both love and practical tools, you can ensure your child is fully equipped to succeed in various aspects of life, enhancing their ability to learn, socialize, and eventually lead independent lives.

Is executive functioning disorder just another label?

Executive functioning challenges are not a specific mental health condition but can be symptomatic of both environmental factors and neurodevelopmental disorders.

Children are not born with fully developed executive functions, these skills evolve and mature over time with proper nurturing.

Deficiencies in these skills can significantly affect all areas of life, often making daily tasks and social interactions more challenging.

Studies show that these cognitive skills are malleable, meaning they can improve with the right interventions and support.

It's not about diagnosing a child with a permanent condition, but recognizing these challenges and providing targeted assistance.

Doing this empowers children to develop their skills and enhance their quality of life, turning potential obstacles into opportunities for growth and learning.

Find Out How Parents

Like You Restored

Peace at Home

With BrainFit

Game Changer

"The treasure hunt

from module 3

was a game-changer

for us.

It helped my 6-year-old

understand time management

in a fun way.

Seeing her happily

organizing her tasks

has been a huge relief."

Lizzy R.

Unique Insights

"I LOVED the course!!

I cannot wait to start

the next one.

I appreciate 

your help."

Felicity B.

Grateful For

Your Support

"Before BrainFit,

my son struggled with

planning and staying on task,

but just three weeks

into the program,

we saw noticeable


His teacher even commented

on his new ability to

complete assignments

on time.

This program works!"

Angela E.

Gain These 3

Powerful Advantages

With BrainFit

Fewer Tantrums, and Stronger Relationships

Executive functioning skills lay the foundation for emotional regulation. 

Your child will learn to manage their emotions better, leading to fewer outbursts and smoother interactions, and you will enjoy a more communicative relationship and harmonious home life.

Better Grades and Advanced Learning Skills

Enhance your child's critical thinking and problem-solving skills to prepare them for complex academic challenges and opportunities.

This fosters a growing curiosity and engagement with learning that requires less prompting and support.

Easier Mornings and Increased Self-Management Skills

Your child will develop better morning routines, making getting ready for school less stressful and more efficient.

You will see your coaching efforts paying off as your child becomes increasingly independent, reducing the need for constant nagging and prodding.

Let’s take a closer look at the program that will transform your parenting

Module 1: Self-Awareness

Self-awareness refers to the ability to recognize one's thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and tendencies.

It involves understanding personal strengths and weaknesses, identifying emotions, and predicting the consequences of actions.

Module 2: Attention & Focus

Attention is the cognitive process that allows us to concentrate on specific stimuli or tasks while ignoring others, a process commonly referred to as selective attention.

Focus, while often used interchangeably with attention, can be considered as sustaining attention over time or maintaining attention on a task despite distractions.

Module 3: Task Initiation

Task initiation is the ability to begin a task or activity independently and without unnecessary procrastination.

This is not to be confused with motivation - a child can be motivated and still struggle with task initiation.

In this sense, task initiation is the opposite of procrastination.

Module 4: Response Inhibition

Response inhibition refers to the ability to suppress impulsive behaviors, delay responses, and to stop oneself from performing an undesired action.

It's essentially the cognitive equivalent of "think before you act."

The development of response inhibition is vital as it impacts a child's behavioral control, decision-making, and emotional regulation.

Module 5: Working Memory

Working memory refers to the ability to hold and manipulate information over short periods.

It's like mental "juggling," where the child retains necessary details while solving a problem or performing a task.

Working memory is crucial in various cognitive tasks, including reading, problem-solving, and math.

It also plays a role in attention control, helping children concentrate despite distractions.

Module 6: Flexibility & Adaptability

Cognitive flexibility refers to the brain's ability to transition thoughts between multiple concepts or perspectives.

This skill allows children to adapt their thinking or strategy in response to changes or new information.

Adaptability, closely linked to cognitive flexibility, involves adjusting to new conditions or changes in the environment effectively.

Module 7: Time Management

Effective time management helps children to accomplish tasks in a timely manner.

It reduces stress related to rushing or cramming and is vital for long-term projects and assignments.

Module 8: Organization

Organization refers to the ability to develop and maintain systems to keep track of information or materials.

This skill is crucial in areas such as following instructions, writing an essay, managing belongings, or even keeping track of homework assignments.

Good organization skills aid in efficiently managing tasks and reducing unnecessary stress related to misplaced items or forgotten responsibilities.

Module 9: Planning

Well-developed planning skills can lead to better academic performance and more efficient problem-solving abilities.

They also foster self-confidence as the child learns to break down complex tasks into manageable steps and achieve set goals.

Module 10: Self-Discipline

Self-discipline, or inhibitory control, is an executive function that refers to our capacity to control our thoughts, actions, and emotions, even in the face of temptation or distraction.

This skill is foundational to a variety of life aspects, from academic performance to social relationships and emotional health.

Module 11: Self-Regulation

Self-regulation is often considered a hallmark of executive functioning.

Well-developed self-regulation skills can lead to better social relationships, improved academic performance, and positive mental health outcomes.

They enable children to cope with frustration, delay gratification, and follow rules and instructions.

Module 12: Task Completion

Being able to complete tasks efficiently is linked to improved academic performance, better time management skills, and increased self-confidence.

It also lays the groundwork for developing resilience, as children learn to overcome challenges and manage setbacks.

It Worked

"I was worried the course

wouldn’t suit my 8-year-old

who has ADHD, but the extra

support and flexible activities

made all the difference.

She’s more focused and eager

to learn and participate

in family activities."

Vicki B.

More Confidence

"The project management activity

in module 8 really resonated

with my 14-year-old grandson.

It's amazing to see him

take charge of his school

projects with such

confidence now."

Karen M.

Worth It

"As busy parents,

we were concerned about

fitting another activity into

our schedule.

However, the flexible pacing

of BrainFit and its engaging

content made it

completely manageable.

It’s been so worth

the time for the peace

it’s brought to our home."

Jane S.

How could stronger

executive functions

transform your child's

life and home?


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after one year


reported that my

methods are effective

Discover How BrainFit Can Help Your Child,

  • Enhanced Self-Regulation & Social Skills.

  • Increased Attention & Focus.

  • Optimized Time, Organization & Planning Skills.

What You'll Get in Each Module:

  • Detailed Exploration - Each of the 12 modules focuses on one specific executive function to help you fully understand its importance and application.

  • Interactive Assessments - After each deep dive, engage in a short self-reflection activity designed to enhance your learning and retention.

  • Optional quizzes are also available to test your knowledge and ensure you grasp key concepts.

  • Open Discussion and Support - Participate in a group discussion or ask questions along the way. 

  • Select from a diverse range of adaptable, hands-on, easy-to-implement activities for children 1-19.

Most of the activities come in downloadable PDFs or are short enough to be written down in a notebook and implemented. 

Program Features:

  • Self-paced, requiring no more than 20 minutes a day initially, with less time as skills improve.

  • Accessible via a user-friendly online portal on any device.

  • Academic references are provided for educators and researchers to explore further.

  • BrainFit is a mixed-media program that includes text-based learning, interactive quizzes, opportunities for self-reflection, and downloadable activities.

Additional Benefits:

  • Lifetime access with ongoing support from a community of dedicated parents.

  • Learn to apply these principles yourself, enhancing your own executive functioning skills for double the benefits and growth!

  • Enjoy access to updates at no extra charge.

Now you’ve seen the powerful changes this program can bring, let’s start making these changes together - one step at a time, just like my students below, 

Get Instant Access

Normal Price: $997.00

Special Offer: $97

(SAVE 90%)

✔️ Available anytime, anywhere, on any device.

✔️ Brainfit is accessed via my secure online platform.

✔️ Enjoy Interactive features, group discussion, progress bar, printable activity sheets, regular updates, and completion certificate.

Card payments are processed securely via Stripe, the same trusted processor used by Amazon. 

Apple Pay and Google Pay are available through PayPal.

Once your order has been processed, you will automatically receive your receipt & login access to the email address you've entered within 1 hour.

If you need help, or would like to purchase multiple placements for your teaching staff, email

If your card doesn't work, please use the Paypal option and select, 'pay with card'.

This is a one-time payment only, not a subscription service.

Let’s take this important step together. Simply fill out the form below to enroll now before this special offer expires.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is BrainFit suitable for my child with ADHD, ASD, FADS, ODD, or, PANDAS?

✔️  Yes, this program is suitable for children with ADHD, ASD, FASD, ODD, PANDAS, and other neurodiverse profiles. It addresses the core executive functioning skills that are essential for all children, regardless of their neurotype.

The strategies and techniques taught in the course can be adapted and tailored to meet the specific needs of children with different neurodevelopmental conditions, providing them with valuable support in strengthening their executive functions.

I know very little about executive functioning is this right for me?

✔️ Absolutely! Whether you're a beginner or have some familiarity with executive functioning, I will guide you through the fundamentals and gradually build your understanding.

You'll gain valuable insights, practical strategies, and actionable tips to support the development of executive functioning skills in children.

BrainFit is designed to be accessible and beneficial for parents, educators, and anyone interested in enhancing executive functioning skills in children.

Are there practical activities involved?

✔️ Yes, BrainFit incorporates practical activities to enhance your learning experience. It goes beyond theoretical knowledge by providing hands-on exercises, interactive tasks, and real-life examples that allow you to apply the concepts and strategies directly. 

I've created a wide array of activities tailored for different age groups within each of the 12 modules that specifically strengthen each executive function.

These include both indoor and outdoor activities, all designed to be fun and engaging, ensuring that children of all ages find joy and value in participating. 


I understand that every child is unique, so the activities are adaptable to various developmental stages and interests. 


So, if you enjoy quality time with your child and want to foster their growth in a playful yet purposeful way, the activities are designed to provide so that each moment spent is not only enjoyable but also contributes to their executive skill development.

How is it delivered, and how long will I have access?

✔️ This text-based program is delivered online through the Thinkific platform, which provides a user-friendly and interactive learning experience on any device. Once you enroll, you will receive access to a private online portal via email where you can access the materials.

BrainFit can be accessed on any device with internet connectivity, but for the best experience,

I recommend using a tablet, laptop, PC, or Mac. This ensures optimal compatibility and allows you to fully engage with the course content.

The course consists of 12 modules, and each module can be completed within a time frame of 20 minutes.

The total duration of the course will depend on your individual pace and the amount of time you dedicate to each module.

Remember, you have lifetime access to the course, so you can take your time and revisit the modules whenever you need to.

Will I have support when needed?

✔️ Absolutely! I am committed to providing you with support throughout your learning journey.

You will have access to my dedicated support team via email, who will be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding the course content or activities.

Additionally, you'll be invited to join my private Facebook group, where you can connect with other course participants, share insights, and receive support.

I believe in creating a supportive community that fosters learning and growth.

Is the material for children or adults to work through?

BrainFit empowers you to play an active role in your child's executive functioning skill development. You will work through the modules, learning about each executive function, and then have the opportunity to put everything you've learned into practice through engaging activities.

These activities are specifically designed for you to do with your child, aiming to strengthen their executive functions.

Throughout the program, you will gain valuable insights, strategies, and tools to support your child's development in these areas, all while having a lot of fun.

The activities provided are interactive, age-appropriate, and adaptable. I have included multiple activities per module and age group, giving you the flexibility to choose the ones that best suit your child.

By actively participating in these activities together, you can create a fun and supportive learning environment for your child, while also strengthening your parent-child bond.

And on top of that, you will gain a deep understanding of your own executive functioning skills.

Is this program ABA based?

No, BrainFit is not ABA (applied behavior analysis) based. It is grounded in the latest peer-reviewed scientific research in this field and is designed to provide an evidence-based approach to developing executive functioning skills in children. The references to these studies are given at the end of each module. This comprises my entire library of research for further study and exploration.

Great Support

"My child has tried many

programs without much

success, so we

were skeptical.

However, Arabella's

supportive community

and step-by-step

guidance helped us

succeed where other

programs failed.

He’s now more confident

and self-reliant."

Jane T.

Unique Insights

"As a teacher, I found the

exercises in Module 5

particularly effective.

I was able to adapt your

exercises for my students.

It's great to see my students

applying these skills."

Kendall D.

Grateful For

Your Support

"We noticed changes

in our son’s behavior

within the first month!

His ability to organize

his work and his decreased

frustration with challenging

tasks were immediate 

and impressive.

BrainFit delivers

results fast!"

Lisa H.

Support You'll Get

Each module contains a

discussion opportunity

to provide your feedback and

ask questions about the material.

In addition, you will be invited

to my customer-only group

for additional support.


Each module contains a

discussion opportunity

to provide your feedback and

ask questions about the material.

In addition, you will be invited

to my customer-only group

for additional support.


Limited Time Offer!

Normal Price$997.00

Special Offer: $97

(SAVE 90%)

✔️ Available anytime, anywhere, on any device.

✔️ Brainfit is accessed via my secure online platform.

✔️ Enjoy Interactive features, group discussion, progress bar, printable activity sheets, regular updates, and completion certificate.

Card payments are processed securely via Stripe, the same trusted processor used by Amazon. 

Apple Pay and Google Pay are available through PayPal.

Once your order has been processed, you will automatically receive your receipt & login access to the email address you've entered within 1 hour.

If you need help, or would like to purchase multiple placements for your teaching staff, email

If your card doesn't work, please use the Paypal option and select, 'pay with card'.

This is a one-time payment only, not a subscription service.

Let’s take this important step together. Simply fill out the form below to enroll now before this special offer expires.

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or share your details.

Professional Approach

"Arabella’s professional approach

and expert instructions

won me over.

Seeing my child advance

in areas like task initiation

and emotional control

confirmed we made

the right choice."

Melinda C.

Performance Improved

"Initially, I hesitated because

of the price, but the outcomes

far outweigh the cost.

The skills my daughter has

learned in BrainFit are

invaluable and have improved

her academic performance

and daily life.

It’s truly an investment

in her future."

Maya T.

Practical Advice

"I was unsure how the

concepts about executive

functioning would apply

to everyday challenges

my child faces.

After completing BrainFit,

I’ve seen firsthand how

the strategies provided

are incredibly practical.

My child is now better

at managing time, organizing

daily tasks, and

even handling emotions 

during stressful situations.

This course has

brought real, practical

improvements to our lives."

Alison R.

Limited Time Offer!

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